5 Data Security Best Practices For Enterprise IT Companies

Several top data security best practices are widely recognized, accepted, and understood by leading IT companies. There were nearly 2,000 reported instances of a data breach, loss, or compromise in 2021. Of course, this is nearly seventy percent more than in previous years. With a rapidly growing rise of cyber threats, today’s information technology (IT) companies must know how to comply with data security laws, compliance regulations, and protocols. As an IT security manager, you should know the most effective data privacy and backup strategies. This way, you can safeguard confidential user data, strengthen your business reputation, and strengthen cyber resilience. To get started now, read on to learn the best data security practices for enterprise IT companies.

Data Security Best Practices For Enterprise IT Companies

Monitor Sensitive Data Access

If you’ve previously given your employees access to sensitive data, it needs to be protected and monitored. You should only offer access and authorization to the right users. Additionally, limit access solely to the users who need it. It generally helps to follow the principle of least privilege. This involves giving users access only for the intended privilege, work, or purpose. You can break privilege classifications into groups like access, modification, and full control. Ultimately, full access should only be given to high-level executive members of your team. Monitor sensitive data access at your growing enterprise IT agency.

Follow DevSecOps Principles

In addition, encourage lead members of your IT team to follow notable DevSecOps principles. Before establishing these practices, you need to understand what DevSecOps is. In short, the DevSecOps development lifecycle is a security-driven, repetitive process for building software. It begins with writing code, triggering builds, and deploying software packages to a production environment. Here, it can be monitored for other bugs or issues – which may be identified in the runtime. By adopting these protocols, you can support transparency, accelerate speed to recovery, and minimize security incidents. Plus, you can involve security automation, streamline delivery rates, and minimize development expenses. Certainly, following DevSecOps principles is one of the best data security best practices for 2024.

Designate A Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Many IT companies additionally designate a DPO to handle data security and privacy operations. A data protection officer is responsible for safeguarding the data of IT company staff, partners, suppliers, clients, and any other parties. They must be familiar with notable data protection and defense rules, along with government compliance standards. Other responsibilities include training employees who regularly work with sensitive company data. Ultimately, these professionals serve as the main contact between businesses and data protection authorities. Designate a data protection officer to handle privacy and protection at your growing tech firm.

Pay Attention To Internal Threats

It helps modern IT teams to pay close attention to internal threats as well. Tech companies are usually too focused on external vulnerabilities and fail to identify weak spots within their organization. Keep track of any employees with access credentials to sensitive information, applications, or web pages. You should also rethink your policies for distributing logins, authorization information, or other valuable privileges. It may help to establish structured internal security recommendations, requirements, and protocols in your company policy. Or, you can offer routine employee security awareness training. Surely, pay attention to internal threats to strengthen data security at your tech organization.

Establish Physical Security Protocols

Physical security protocols are generally overlooked when it comes to enterprise data protection. Of course, there are several physical device, system, and network protection steps every company should be taking. Workstations need to be locked down at the end of every workday. You should also take additional laptop and mobile device security measures. This is especially true if employees regularly travel with their work devices. These protection protocols help you defend confidential company data from theft or loss. Other companies have even taken steps for network segregation, centralized account management, and data recycling. Or, you can implement video surveillance devices throughout your workspace. Indeed, establish physical security protocols for data privacy and protection.

There are several top data security best practices to follow at enterprise IT companies. First and foremost, carefully monitor access to sensitive data and employee information. In addition, encourage members of your team to follow security-driven, evidence-based DevSecOps principles. Another great option is to designate a data protection officer. Also, it helps to stay on to off internal threats as well. Some measures like video surveillance and web segregation can have tremendous advantages. If you are not confident in these methods, implement physical security protocols as well. Follow the points highlighted above to learn the data security best practices for enterprise IT companies.